Slovenian Union of Journalists


Sindikat novinarjev Slovenije /  Vošnjakova ulica 8 / Ljubljana 1000 / Slovenia

Tel./Fax:  + 386 1 426 03 66 
E-mail:     [email protected]

Alenka Potočnik
Vice president: Ana Svenšek
General secretary: Mojca Zabukovec
Secretary: Marija Penca
[email protected]

The purposes and goals of the journalists’ representative trade union are the same today as they were at the time of its founding (6th March 1990) and are stated in its charter:

  • free flow of information and ideas;
  • compliance with the provisions of the national collective agreement for professional journalists;
  • protecting material, social and cultural interests of journalists;
  • protecting the autonomy and integrity of journalism;
  • protecting the rights of employees: proper wages, social and health conditions etc.;
  • strengthening solidarity among union members;
  • taking part in creating editorial policies and decisions, related to human resources;
  • proper conditions for professional development and further training.

To achieve those (and other) goals, the Union:

represents its members in relation to media management and owners, state institutions and other organisations; provides free legal assistance and support to its members in disputes between employees and employers; negotiates on behalf of its members on the bases of the Union’s constitution, the general rules of trade unions, measures and programs, adopted by the Slovenian Union of journalists, and on the bases of collective agreement for professional journalists; monitors compliance with the collective agreement by the media enterprises and immediately takes action if breaches of the agreement occur; organises mutual assistance among members; organises labour strikes, if necessary.